SEACAP 4 SDG hosts a workshop about Climate and Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SECAPs) in Alicante (Spain)


IVE - Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (Valencian Building Institute), partner of the SEACAP 4 SDG project (funded by ENI CBC Med Programme), which aims to reduce energy consumption in public buildings and promote the development of SECAP in Mediterranean municipalities, will host a free classroom-based workshop the next July 12th 2023 in Alicante (Spain), to report on the local situation of the Climate and Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SECAPs).

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is a European initiative to which local and regional governments voluntarily join by signing up to EU-wide climate and energy commitments to be implemented in their territory. This commitment is to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 55%, increase the use of energy from renewable sources by 32% and improve energy efficiency by 32.5% by 2030.
The signatory municipalities will have to submit a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), which will set out the actual measures and projects they wish to carry out to achieve the objectives.

During the day, the Agencia Provincial de la Energía de Alicante (Alicante Provincial Energy Agency) will explain its role as the coordinator of the Covenant and the creation of the “Planes de Acción para el Clima y la Energía Sostenible” (Climate and Sustainable Energy Action Plan – SECAPs) in order to help municipalities to implement their SEAPS at source and their current SECAPs. Namely, the experience of the municipality of Sax through the SEACAP 4 SDG project, and best practice cases of Alicante municipalities in the development and monitoring of their SEAPS, such as Salinas and Almoradí.

The face-to-face workshop is free and is especially aimed at technical staff from local public administrations involved in the drafting and monitoring of the SECAP.

Download the programme HERE (Spanish).

Free registration HERE (Spanish form).