RESET: overcoming challenges in implementing green and circular economy strategies for sustainable development


RESET aims to facilitate economic and social development by supporting the creation of sustainable and green businesses. In this article, we delve into the hurdles encountered by developing nations in adopting these strategies and discuss how initiatives like RESET can help overcome these obstacles.

Limited financial resources:
One of the foremost challenges faced by countries in the Mediterranean region is the limitation of financial resources. Implementing green and circular economy strategies often requires substantial investments in infrastructure, technology, and capacity building. However, funding such initiatives can be a significant barrier for nations with limited financial capabilities. RESET addresses this challenge by mapping and researching the available financial support, grants, and resources, that are needed to empower local entrepreneurs to establish sustainable businesses.

Policy and regulatory barriers:
Mediterranean countries may face challenges in establishing supportive policy frameworks and regulations that promote green and circular economy practices. Complex bureaucratic processes, lack of awareness, and insufficient institutional capacity can impede the formulation and implementation of effective policies. RESET engages with policymakers and advocates for favourable regulatory environments. By conducting research, providing policy recommendations, and promoting dialogue, RESET strives to break down these barriers and foster an enabling environment for sustainable business development.

Knowledge and skills gap:
The transition to a green and circular economy requires specialized knowledge and skills. However, Mediterranean countries may face a shortage of trained professionals and limited access to educational resources. RESET addresses this challenge by offering capacity-building programs, educational materials and guidebooks. By empowering individuals and organizations with the necessary knowledge and skills, RESET ensures a sustainable and inclusive approach to economic development.

Implementing green and circular economy strategies in Mediterranean countries comes with its fair share of challenges. However, initiatives like RESET are working towards overcoming these barriers by bridging knowledge gaps. Through collaborative efforts and a holistic approach, we can pave the way for sustainable and green economic development in the Mediterranean region.