NAWAMED promotes water reuse solutions during the MedCities event in Jordan


The city of Jerash, pilot area of University of Jordan (UJ) for the installation of a green façade for treating and reusing greywater, will host on the 20th of July a meeting organised by MedCities in the context of NATUREMED project. 

MedCities was established in 1991 in Barcelona when 16 cities formed a network with the purpose, initially, of supporting environmental protection from a local perspective. In 2015, the network became a fully independent organisation and now brings together 67 local authorities from all shores of the Mediterranean basin. The transformation of MedCities into a legal association has increased its operational capacity and enhanced its ability to promote urban sustainable development in the region.

NATUREMED is a small project aimed at contributing to the re-naturalisation of the cities of Jerash, Saida and Bethlehem. 

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh and prof. Yaser Abunnasr, NAWAMED project coordinators at the UJ and at the American University of Beirut respectively, will present the multifunctional solutions tested thanks to the NAWAMED project to foster the use of Non-Conventional Water at urban level. 

In particular, Prof. Al-Salaymeh will introduce the NAWAMED project objectives and the pilot solutions in Jordan, while Prof. Yaser Abunnasr will focus on the pilots to be installed in Lebanon. 





















Furthermore, the meeting will gather a delegation from the participants cities (Bethlehem, Jerash and Saida), and a delegation from the MedCities association and the Barcelona City Council.

Experts in water management will present ideas and technical solutions in the fields of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) and Nature-based solutions for water management. 

The activity will be an opportunity for networking and disseminating best practices on water management and re-naturalisation at urban level.