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MedTOWN final conference in Seville, Spain: Co-production & social and solidarity economy, permeating social policy in Mediterranean countries through social innovation.

The final conference of the MedTOWN project will take place in Seville, Spain from 7th November 2023 to 10th November 2023.

This final conference marks the culmination of the European MedTOWN project , funded by the EU through the ENI CBC Med Program. It aims to bring together professionals, researchers, policymakers and stakeholders from Mediterranean countries to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the fields of social innovation, social policy, and the social and solidarity economy.

The purpose of this conference, organized by Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), as lead beneficiary partner of MedTOWN project, is to foster collaboration and dialogue among participants, with a focus on co-production, social and solidarity economy, and innovation in social policies.

There will be panel discussions, presentations and interactive sessions to explore the future of the social and solidarity economy in the Mediterranean region, discuss the impact of the MedTOWN project and showcase successful initiatives and pilot projects implemented by social and solidarity economy actors.

The agenda will cover various topics such as the role of social innovation in the social and solidarity economy, replicability of best practices, digital tools for SSE ecosystems.

After welcome speech and introduction to MedTOWN final event's objectives, the first panel ‘The future of SSE in the Mediterranean Region as a catalyst for Sustainable Development and Social Inclusion’ will include the analysis of representatives of the Spanish Government, European Union, ENI CBC Med and ACPP as lead beneficiary partner of the MedTOWN project.

The second panel will be focus on MedTOWN's impact, demo actions & pilot projects implemented by SSE actors in the Mediterranean countries. And specifically on the following topics related to the work done by partners’ project in the six countries involved in MedTOWN:

  • Main conclusions from MedTOWN’s research on coproduction
  • Portugal. Bela Flor agroforest coproducing public spaces with the community through the use of time banks.
  • Jordan. Coproducing social business opportunities for people that are at risk of exclusion.
  • Greece. Coproduction and cooperation to support people excluded from labour market.
  • Palestine. Waste to wealth, coproducing community involvement in waste management.
  • Spain. Coproducing initiatives to address poverty, inequality and social exclusion.
  • Tunisia. Female Force Studio, acceleration programme for women social entrepreneurs.

More info about agenda and news details will be published soon. In the meantime... save the date and stay tuned!

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