MED-InA in Tunisia: Beach Clean-Up Day and Final Event next week in La Marsa !

DrFO.Jr.Tn, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Beach litter is unfortunately a widespread issue, especially easily accessible or urban beaches. La Marsa (Tunisia) is no exception, hence the organisation of a Clean-Up Day on Wednesday 12 July starting at 4 PM, by the municipality, addressed to citizens, associations and anyone willing to give a hand.

Though some may think this action is more symbolic than it is a permanent solution to this problem, nevertheless it serves a double purpose:

- Raising awareness about the extent of the problem and making participants realise the impact of each and every one of us, whether negative or positive depending on the behaviour adopted. 

- Making participants feel part of a whole, of a collective effort, as an incentive to change their habits where needed, to continue or increase their daily efforts towards reducing their personal waste production.

Find more information on the municipality's Facebook event.

This Clean-Up Day will involve residents of this pilot city that have committed to behavioural change for reducing and preventing domestic waste using the GD6D app, in the framework of project MED-InA.

On Thursday 13 July from 9:00 to 15:30 at La Marsa's Essaada Palace, the project will be holding its final event, with 3 main features:

1. Presentation of the project approach and results by the MED-InA partners, as well as other promising initiatives in Tunisia

2. Mentoring Session : an exchange between the National Agency for Waste Management (ANGED) and attending municipalities on how to prevent and reduce residual waste

3. A forum for local citizens, shopkeepers and businesses to express and exchange their needs, hopes, solutions for reducing waste production, each at their own level, looking for complementarities.

For registration and detailed agenda, please send an email to:, with in copy.