Local Project Committees (LPC): The Sustainable MED Cities' proposal to upgrade the project development


Local Project Committees (LPC) are a collective working group whose members are all the project's target groups, with the objective to provide guidance to partners during the whole project's life.

The LPC is composed by local members representing the different stakeholders interested in the Sustainable MED Cities outcomes. The role of LPC is to provide specific feedbacks on project activities and deliverables. For this reason, the LPC are scheduled when we are in crucial moment of the project so, when we need suggestions from key local stakeholders, showing them something is being prepared, in order to be sure that the output will meet their needs.

This first LPC was performed in order to explain the stakeholders the project and to collect indicators and suggestions the stakeholders consider relevant to be added to the CESBA MED Sustainable Building Tool (SBTool) and Sustainable Neighbourhood Tool (SNTool).

The second LPC is foreseen for late September or beginning of October when the SBTool, SNTool and SCTool (Sustainable City Tool) will be completed in content and uploaded on the web platform, ready for the testing phase. That will be the occasion to show the Tools to the local stakeholders, and describing the operation of these evaluation Tools.

Image: First Local Project Committee performed in Irbid, Jordan


For more information, visit the Sustainable MED Cities ENI's webpage.

Contact us to sustmedcities.tes@gencat.cat

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