Italy: Co-Evolve4BG is cooperating with Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster on sustainable tourism


On 13th July an online meeting was held between the Regional Tourism Agency of Lazio Region and BIG TC - Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster - to set the basis of a collaboration to foster a process of internationalization with Tunisia and Maghreb.

The cooperation aims at facilitating the collaboration between the world of Research & Innovation and Enterprises creating synergies between private Italian and Tunisian/Maghreb enterprises operating in the field of Blue Growth in order to support growth in the maritime sector as a whole exploiting the potential of oceans, seas and coasts for blue jobs creation and economic growth.

Initiatives are about to be organized with focuses on Circular Economy, Agrifood supply chain and Sustainable Tourism to exchange experiences and best practices promoting the creation of business and job opportunities and responding to the main social challenges in a sustainable way for the maintenance of the Good Environmental Status.

Co-Evolve4BG project will contribute with its experience on the development of sustainable tourism activities at the Med and local level based on the application of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) model and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). The objectives, activities and expected results of the Co-Evolve4BG project will be presented and in particular, the actions that will be carried out in the framework of the pilot area (Circeo UNESCO – MAB Biosphere Reserve and National Park).