IPMED organised a training on Intellectual Property


Counting 87 total registrations, the intensive seminar about intellectual property clearly triggered a great and vivid interest on the matter by the local innovation ecosystem. The two-days seminar program was organized by the IPMED Italian project partner, FILSE, in a hybrid form, held both online and face-to-face participants setting up a live streaming from the ICT room at BIC Incubatore di Imprese.

The great participation in Genoa obviously reflects the excellent choice made by the IPMED partners from Greece in Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce by subcontracting the activity to a renown and distinguished institution in the IP field such as PRAXI Network. Both training materials and methodology for the deployment of this project activity throughout all the regions involved in the project were also developed by Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce.

On July 13th a total of 60 participants joined the seminar and 8 of them decided to meet the trainer Konstantinos Vavekis in person while the presences were halved on July 14th, for a total of 91 attendees. The audience composition was definitely well-assorted: project managers, teachers, legal accountants, researchers, consultants, tutors, lawyers, CEOs and students.

A great deal of topics were tackled by Mr. Vavekis who approached the matter trying to cover all the relevant issues and information about intellectual property protection. Leveraging on his solid lawyer background he took the opportunity to focus the attention of the attendees on some legal tips regarding the registration of patents and tips to avoid possible litigation issues on IP. Many participants grabbed also the chance to ask him some hints about specific issues they were experiencing on the job thus creating interesting and fruitful debating opportunities for everyone’s benefit.

“Thank you for this opportunity to present here the matters about intellectual property. It was a fantastic organization and a fantastic audience and I believe we have tackled many themes in the patents world and also in other intellectual property forms. They were very practical and I believe that through this collaboration and this interaction we will have great results in the protection of intellectual property, in advancing the technology that we have and they are worth a lot of value.” Konstantinos Vavekis – PRAXI Network