INVESTMED Webinar: Industrial Symbiosis and Life Cycle Analysis in Business

In the fifth INVESTMED seminar, an expert panel discussed questions such as "what are the key aspects to properly integrate life cycle analysis into business models and benefit from it? What opportunities does industrial symbiosis present in the development of new business ideas and entrepreneurship?" The seminar focused on two dimensions: research advances and methodological approach, and the challenges faced in the application to real cases. The speakers were Verónica Kuchinow from Simbiosy, Nelson Manjong from the University of Norway, and Amos Ncube from the Università degli Studi di Napoli Pathenope. The webinar was organised by the Euro-Mediteranean Economists Association (EMEA) and LUMSA University, and hosted by EMEA under the INVESTMED Project on 15.02.22