New job vacancies under funded projects

The COMMON and DECOST projects are looking for staff.

3 job openings under the MAIA-TAQA project

Deadline for applications is 27th of September.

Open vacancy within the Med Pearls project

Apply until 13th of September 2019.

The CROSSDEV project is looking for a communication manager

The expiration date of the vacancy is the 30th of September.

Three job vacancies in the framework of the AQUACYCLE project

The AQUACYCLE project is seeking to hire a project coordinator, a project manager and a project innovation manager.

Join the MedTOWN project!

Three job vacancies are available in the framework of the MedTOWN project. Apply until 15th of September.

Two job vacancies under the BESTMEDGRAPE project

The University of Cagliari (Italy), lead beneficiary of the BESTMEDGRAPE project, is seeking to hire a project manager and a financial manager.

Call for participation: first South-South consultation workshop “Vision Med 2030”

Are you a young activist from the Southern Mediterranean? Do you want to shape the future of the Mediterranean? Make your voice heard!