GreenBuilding participation in the Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU) initiative!


EMEA, the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, organized an event in Barcelona last November (2022) to present the Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU) initiative, which aimed to mainstream transformative actions at the local level. 

The event called for local authorities and entities to participate and add their projects on energy transition based on a holistic vision and aimed to evolve into a green living areas perspective. Representatives from key clusters in Spain and elsewhere were invited to discuss potential synergies through a WFE (Water-Food-Energy) NEXUS approach to support. 

Among the participants was a representative of the GreenBuilding project consortium, Albert Palou from the BETA Technological Centre (Spain), in representation of the GreeBuilding which aims to promote energy efficiency in public buildings among the Mediterranean Region through the implementation of pilot activities in Jordan, Tunisia and Greece. 

The event provided a platform for discussing potential synergies between ETU and other existing initiatives in the Euro-Mediterranean context. The workshop aimed to find points of synergy between both frameworks and invited relevant initiatives related to blue and green economy in the Mediterranean to work on common challenges in a complementary way.

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