Projet BEEP : les acteurs locaux en Palestine donnent leur avis sur le projet de rénovation énergétiquement efficace du bâtiment du patrimoine sélectionné comme pilote


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The Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation - CCHP, Palestinian BEEP partner, organised the third Local Steering Committee meeting on the 3rd of June in order to present the progress of the project, its activities, the digital model of the “Morcos Nassar Palace” in Bethlehem developed and the interventions planned in this pilot building.

Representatives from Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority PENRA, Environmental Quality Authority EQA, Ministries of Local Government, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Contractors Union and Engineers Association.

CCHP  welcomed the members of the committee and gave a brief description of the BEEP project, its objectives and the ativities that were implemented during the last months. The current status of the project activities and technical reports related to the case study were presented, as well as the proposed interventions for the heritage building that will be studied and developed, to evaluate their impact on the performance of the building.

The Palestinian Steering Committee members gave their technical input that shall be taken into consideration. Communication actions and procedures were also discussed emphasizing on the importance of promoting the BEEP project and spreading the word. As well, the attendees discussed about the upcoming activities of the BEEP project that aims to support innovative and cost-effective renovation processes with a focus on historical public buildings.

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