ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Mediterranean Organic Data Base

The ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project developed an open-access platform called the Organic Data Base with two sections:

  • Local (national): For national-level data and management by competent authorities like Ministries of Agriculture.
  • Cross-border (public): For sharing information and connecting stakeholders across the Mediterranean region.


For Local Section:

  • Real-time data: Conduct statistical analyses on organic operators, crops, controls, and imports.
  • Efficient management: Schedule supervisions, process operator registrations online.

For Cross-border Section:

  • Shared information: Access statistics, regulations, and certification body data across countries.
  • Market access: Showcase products and connect with other operators internationally.
  • Communication: Facilitate clear communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

Platform Features:

  • Statistical Reports: Generate custom reports on various aspects of the organic sector.
  • Marketplace: Connect with other operators, manage product information, and showcase offerings.
  • Consultancy Services: Access free expert advice on various topics related to organic agriculture.
  • Classification Tools: Standardize data entry and facilitate information sharing.

Join the platform to gain valuable insights, connect with others, and thrive in the organic agriculture sector!