

MedRiSSE organises a webinar to present the e-courses learning of the Mediterranean Social Innovation Lab

On Monday 18th of September 2023 at 12.00 pm (CEST), An-Najah National University (ANNU) and the rest of partners of the MedRiSSE project invite you to participate in the 9th webinar to harvest learning and knowledge.

Entitled "Social policy, co-production and social innovation: MedRiSSE e-learning courses to improve Mediterranean people's lives”, it will introduce each one of the 5 e-learning courses that can be found in the Mediterranean Social Innovation Lab. This content is for free to all the participants registered in the platform. During the webinar, each one of the speakers will introduce their courses in order to ease the access and the content to the audience.

These 5 e-courses are related to topics directly connected to the activity of the MedRiSSE project and the 5 projects that conformed MedRiSSE such as Co-production and complementary currencies (MedTOWN); Social Business Start-ups (MedUP!) CitESS methodology (IESS!); Fair trade, rural entrepreneurship and women empowerment (RUWOMED); and Alliances with SSE for employment and education (MoreThanAJob).

Please, register at: Social policy, co-production and social innovation: MedRiSSE e-learning courses to improve Mediterranean people's lives (

Zoom link: Iniciar reunión - Zoom

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