GIMED’s support to women entrepreneurs for a sustainable future : The inspiring story of BINA

Rayanne Beayno

BINA  (بناء), which means construction in Arabic, is a startup founded by the young female entrepreneur Rayanne Beoyno. The project is focused on producing bio-based and biodegradable construction materials made from food processing wastes, which is a revolutionary step towards sustainability in the construction industry.

The BINA project is making a positive impact on the world by providing sustainable alternatives to traditional construction materials. By using food processing waste as a raw material, the startup is also contributing to waste reduction and promoting a circular economy. Additionally, the project's success is inspiring other entrepreneurs to pursue sustainable business models and create a better future for everyone.

One of the most significant challenges that BINA faced before joining the EU-funded ENI CBC MED program was to identify its target market. However, through the market research conducted with the GIMED program, BINA was able

to identify the construction market as its primary focus, which has helped the project to gain momentum and move towards its goals. Another obstacle that BINA had to overcome was the CEO's need to move out of Lebanon, which made coordinating the project's advancement more challenging.

Nevertheless, with the support and assistance of the GIMED program, BINA successfully validated a minimal viable product and produced a batch of product demos for potential customers. Thanks to the sub-grant provided by the program, BINA is working towards producing its first pilot products and testing its concept with early adopters, including architects who are eager to use sustainable construction materials in their projects.

The success of the BINA project is inspiring other women and entrepreneurs to pursue sustainable business models and create a better future for everyone. With the support of International programs such as GIMED, startups like BINA can overcome challenges and achieve their goals while contributing to a more sustainable and equal future.