CLUSTER produces reports that explore the youth employment policy frameworks in 7 Mediterranean countries


For the last few months, the CLUSTER partners have been working on a mapping of policy frameworks in their countries regarding the topics of youth unemployment and the general local employment panorama. A thorough mapping in relation to local NEETs emplyoment programmes and their effectiveness to fight against social exclusion of young people and women was carried out by each Project Partner based on interviews with representatives of public institutions, complemented with desk research. In this respect, in total 32 public authority representatives were consulted, ranging from CLUSTER targeted countries' Ministries of Labour, Ministries of Education and Culture, Ministries of Women, Family, Childhood and Seniors, Environmental Protection Directorates, Employment Funds, to international organisations such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO), among others.

These national reports focus more specifically on the limitations and inadequacies of the current legal systems that lead to the exclusion of young people and women from the labour market. Furthermore, the challenges young people face today in finding work in the 7 CLUSTER targeted countries was addressed. The question is whether young people have confidence in public institutions and whether institutions such as labour market agencies, regional authorities or professional associations offer an integrated approach to accessing the labour market. The all-encompassing question was what improvements there could be in this context and how the unemployed can be integrated into the labour market.

The mapping, which resulted in short descriptive technical reports, is intended to provide a good understanding of the policy context and in further steps it will serve as a basis for analytical reports and action plans with concrete recommendations to implement inclusive youth employment schemes.

To learn more about the results of this mapping, we invite you to visit these national descriptive technical Reports:

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