CLUSTER4GREEN supports Mediterranean companies to develop their contribution to sustainable development

Zoé Luçon, Senior Expert, ANIMA Investment Network

As a partner of CLUSTER4GREEN, ANIMA Investment Network coordinates the sustainable investment activities that will help support and promote responsible companies engaged towards more positive impacts for their territories.

Sustainable investment programmes will be implemented by Berytech in Lebanon, Confédération des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie – CONECT in Tunisia, the Federation of Egyptian Industries – FEI in Egypt and the Ammam Chamber of Industry in Jordan. They will rely on the use of IMPACT RATING, an online tool launched by ANIMA, allowing to assess the performance and impact of a company or an investment project in its economic, social, environmental and territorial dimensions, based on a questionnaire on the company's practices.

CLUSTER4GREEN relies on IMPACT Rating, an online impact assessment tool

IMPACT RATING is the result of a long-term investment by the ANIMA network, supported by the European Union and labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean, and recognised as a good practice by the International Trade Center (ITC), a joint organisation of the WTO and the United Nations, and the United Nations Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (UNEP).

Created and developed with the support of numerous public and private partners and associated experts of ANIMA Network, IMPACT RATING targets all organisations that support companies and wish to encourage them to develop their social responsibility and their contribution to sustainable development.

The IMPACT RATING online questionnaire consists of 90 questions and 33 criteria to provide a rating of a company or an investment project impact in its economic, social, environmental and territorial dimensions. The rating methodology was designed thanks to the support of ENI CBC Med 2014-2020 programme and its digitalisation was cofunded by the EBSOMED project.

Designed to be adapted to the strategies and objectives of each organisation and different countries, IMPACT RATING is customisable: user organisations can weight dimensions or criteria, add or remove questions to create their own impact rating tool. The tool is aligned with international initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ISO 26000 standard and the CSRD directive on corporate reporting.

Join CLUSTER4GREEN activities to discover IMPACT RATING and support sustainable business projects

Cluster4Green partners are now in the design phase of their national frameworks and programmes to support investment. They will also contribute to forge a regional alliance of public and private organisations willing to join force to engage companies in more responsible business practices.

If you are a public agency, a business federation or association, a chamber of commerce, a cluster, an incubator or an accelerator interested in this regional initiative, do not miss the upcoming events and discover IMPACT RATING within Cluster4Green’s agenda:

  • November 28th -29th (tbc)| On-site in Cairo
    Launch of Egypt sustainable investment programme organised by FEI in Cairo in the framework of Cluster4Green Congress on circular economy and green finance
  • November 16th (tbc)| On-site in Amman
    Launch of Jordan sustainable investment programme organised by Amman Chamber of Industry in the framework of Cluster4Green project.