DECOST: participation in “the National Day for Palestinian Environment” Conference and Exhibition in Palestine

Tahseen Sayara

Some members of the DECOST project team in Palestine, from the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie (PTUK), participated some days ago in “the National Day for Palestinian Environment” Conference and Exhibition, which also included the participation of representatives from the Tulkarm Governance and the Environmental Quality Authority of Palestine.

The event was the opportunity to present some environmental projects that are being implemented in Palestine. Visitors and authorithies had the opportunity to see and touch one of the composters that the DECOST project is creating to implement its pilot in the town of Anabta. DECOST was one of the major projects presented in the exhibition, and it was the best opportunity to spread the environmental and economical benefits of using home and community composting to deal with organic waste management small towns in Palestine.

DECOST is one of the first experiences of its kind in Palestine, and although the use of composters to deal with organic waste management is a widely known topic, its application to real conditions must always go through some phases of training and acceptance by the population involved in the project.

Audience from different governmental and non-governmental sectors were interested to learn about the design and method of application of the home composter. This is aligned with the interest that the citizens are expressing about the project. For example, the good acceptance by the neighbours has allowed the DECOST team in Palestine to start working on the expansion of the pilot. In the coming weeks, more households will have access to one of the composters that are being implemented by this project.