GreenBuilding in Tunisia proceeds with the energy refurbishment of the Mohamed-Kassab Institute of Orthopedics!


As part of the three pilots for the energy refurbishment of public buildings foreseen in the framework of GreenBuilding project, the Tunisian partner, BorjCedria Technopark Management Company has completed its energy efficiencies actions in the selected pilot building, the Mohamed-Kassab Institute of Orthopedics located in Manouba, Tunisia.
First, they installed a capacitor bank (a group of capacitors that store electrical energy) which was completed on December 19th, 2021, with the Cos Phi factor turning to 0.997. The factor indicates how much power is lost during the 'transport' of power. The ratio of actual power to apparent power is Cos Phi. 

Then, they proceeded with the thermal insulation of the roofs of the operating theatre and its annexes. The proposed system is reverse insulation, which consists of installing water-insulated ready-to-use (4/5 cm) polystyrene plates that fit one into the other above the existing roof. Once these plates are set, a layer of geosynthetic and melded gravel of 4 cm will be added above. This action will generate an energy gain of about 12 MWh/year.

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