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[MED4EBM] Analyse du contexte des écosystèmes : reconnaître les connexions au sein et entre les systèmes écologiques et humains couvrant la zone ciblée - Jordanie

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The workshops are conducted  with MED4EBM project partner The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)The first workshop, carried out the 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 10th of March 2021, focused the participatory thematic scoping for the EB-ICZM-DSS application. During the Second Workshop the stakeholders continue their participatory activity and elaborate diagrams, visual representations of the thematic scoping reports. The expected outcomes will be:

  1. A set of diagrams, created using the software ISP, for the EB-ICZM-DSS application in the Gulf of Aqaba
  2. The stakeholders will be asked to identify and explicit the relations between the components, relations that will be reported in the diagram as arrows. The stakeholders will suggest a short expression, such as a verb expressing an action, to write on the arrow, in order to describe the nature of the relations between components.

The Workshop is organised and executed through two webinars using Microsoft Teams (meetings and working channels). Each of the webinars last max four hours.

Workshop Agenda 

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