Grèce : TEC-MED souligne l'importance de moderniser le modèle de protection sociale pour garantir une vie meilleure aux personnes âgées

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TEC-MED project is an innovative model of intercultural social care aimed at elderly people over 65+ who are at risk of social exclusion.

The main objective is the evolution and the upgrade of the existing social care units in collaboration with public administrations and agencies involved in the protection and support of this age group, in order to achieve a higher quality of social services provided. 

As we have highlighted during the workshop that was held on the 12th of February, the identification of the needs of the stakeholders in line with the TEC-MED project is crucial and necessary in order to continue with the procedure of the capacity building plan in Greece. 

Greece paves the way for developing the capacity plan

The TEC-MED team in Greece had been analyzing different needs to develop the capacity plan. Based on the need for adequate Greece primary medical care and health coverage, the country needs as well as good target training for health professionals, health care services that are home-based and family-based and adequate social benefits. For that reason, MERIMNA, Therapeutic Educational Centre of Patras for People with Intellectual Disabilities who are one of the partners of the Lider Beneficiary in the TEC-MED project, awaits with interest that the government targets intervention for laws and policies on social care.

The Therapeutic Educational Centre of Patras thinks that if the government does it in the right way, it would be possible to empower the elderly and abolish the stigma related to their age. In addition, better cooperation and communication of local authorities and executive bodies can help in this regard. Therefore, it is necessary to increase state intervention and adequate financial resources/programs to improve the quality of life of the elderly (both physical and psychological health).

Finally, MERIMNA, "Therapeutic Educational Centre of Patras for People with Intellectual Disabilities", declares that to continue growing up in that way requires assessment and recording of needs as well as enhancement of tools and digital literacy. 

After having identified the major needs that Greece faces in the last years as far as elderly are concerned, it seems crucial for the capacity plan to be strictly structured and monitored. 

The workshop entitled “the needs of the elderly and their caregivers, taking into account the capacity building needs of stakeholders in line with the TEC-MED model and its action plan”, which was celebrated online, highlighted the above needs and organized a strategic plan in alliance with those needs and the initial goals of the TEC-MED project.        

Greece focuses on the role of family caregivers

In Greece, TEC-MED wants to stress on family caregivers, uncompensated, provides daily care for dependent older adults. Adequate and detailed training help formal and non-formal care providers to be more effective and helpful for the dependent members of the family. And while growing older might seem like a common topic, new and innovative ways for helping with the ageing process are always being developed and improved upon.

Learning the appropriate way on how to help someone in need, is essential to helping preserve comfort, happiness, and peace of mind throughout all stages of life, especially as we grow older.

Taking this statement into account, the capacity building plan for Greece includes and highlights the need for training and provides solutions and proposals in this specific field of intervention. 

As the participation of stakeholders and their interest in our strategies presented in the community capacity building plan for Greece -during the workshop- was increased, they may now focus on the acts trying to achieve the desired goals.