The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

OENOMED met en oeuvre des Chartes Locales pour une vitiviniculture durable dans les Aires Protégées de la Méditerranée

Le projet OENOMED s'engage à promouvoir une viticulture innovante et durable dans les aires protégées de la Méditerranée. Pour ce faire, des Chartes Locales ont été élaborées, définissant des critères et encourageant l'adoption de pratiques culturales durables spécifiques à chaque territoire impliqué dans le projet. L'objectif principal de ces chartes est de gérer de manière durable les ressources naturelles essentielles à la viticulture, notamment la préservation de l'eau, de la qualité du sol et de la biodiversité. De plus, elles visent à promouvoir la production d'éco-services par les vignobles, tels que l'économie circulaire et des dispositifs pour une gestion responsable de l'irrigation. Ces Chartes Locales définissent des normes minimales permettant aux vignobles de prétendre à l'appellation "Vins des Aires Protégées de la Méditerranée". Cette sous-appellation reconnaît les efforts des producteurs pour contribuer à la préservation des aires protégées et à la durabilité de la vitiviniculture.

International training on fishery diversification

Within the FISH MED NET project, the Partner CIHEAM Bari organized International and local/national training addressing the issue of fishery diversification activities. The training targeted trainers and mentors who are in charge of implementing a local training to fishermen, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and business organizations/cooperatives on the fishery sector of the target territories of the project. The main training objective is to increase the level of training of fishers by supporting diversification through the development of complementary activities related to the main activity of fishing. The training focus on different areas of expertise to strengthen the skills of the beneficiaries and broaden their knowledge through training sessions led by international experts in the fishery sector. The e-training is available in all the languages of the project (It,En,Fr,Ar).

Capitalization Plan

FISH MED NET Capitalization Plan is the guiding document to disseminate the final results and outputs of the project and to capitalize them in order to promote debates and advocacy actions at both regional and Euro-Mediterranean level. The plan provides a comprehensive overview of the capitalization strategy, as well as a roadmap to carry out capitalization actions to be implementedby all project partners. FISH MED NET capitalisation is aimed at consolidating the capital built by the project, with the objectives of making the knowledge and results generated by the project more accessible, improving transfer of knowledge to a wider audience of target groups at Euro-Mediterranean level.
Creating synergies and cooperation with key stakeholders, organizations and projects at EuroMediterranean level, building on existing knowledge and experiences. Within the Capitalization plan, FISH MED NET developed a common brouchure coming from the event, the Blue growth Symposium held in Beirut with the aim to develop joint strategies and initiatives to strengthen alliances, synergies and capitalization strategies between ENI CBC Med projects and other stakeholders in the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean.

Standard Packages for Public Private Partnerships Agreement

FISH MED NET involves public and private partner organizations from France, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon and Palestine. The project aimed to develop Mediterranean Alliances between the enterprises active in the Blue economy following the diversification of artisanal fishing, and to develop public authorities' capacity to encourage sustainable development of the fishing sector. Following the analysis “Mapping of the needs of the Public Authorities related to fishery activities and support schemes in place”, as well as the results of the rounds tables held in all partner countries that have engaged both public and private stakeholders from the fishery sector, the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon, in cooperation with all partners, has produced some standard packages including procedures and formats that might be useful to develop Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
According to the different national contexts, norms and legislations, the typologies of potential PPPs could change and vary from country to country. Also considering the differences between the fishery sectors in the involved countries at economic, social and legislative level, there is a certain level of heterogeneity within these countries. So that, it must be noted that the standard packages should be always adapted to the country’s characteristics and norms, and must not in any way be used as a substitute for specific legal advice. The following standard packages are identified on the basis of existing practices of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in each target territory, and includes: 1. The concession agreement; 2. The memorandum of understanding; 3.Community-led local development initiatives; 4.The service agreement.

E-commerce platform

FISH MED NET aims to reach as many fishing communities as possible by supporting and promoting the cooperation among all fishers involved in the Mediterranean. The e-commerce platform collects and shows all the small enterprises and cooperatives active in the tourism, food, aquaculture and servicestocommunity cluster in the Mediterranean area. It includes the profile of the counselling desk, to provide information on how to become part of this Mediterranean community to conduct the business activity in complete harmony with their local community all in respect of the United Nations Sustainalbe Development Goals (UN SDGs). The counseling desk will be able to assist fishers by providing the necessary documentation to register your own SME, to explain how the Business Alliances can help boost your business and begin this positive environment of cooperation. The e-commerce platform collects synergies with other ENI CBC MED projects e-platform active in blue and green economy.

CRE@CTIVE's Exploring Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) Industries: SWOT Insights Across 6 Regions

Explore the SWOT analysis of the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) industries across six regions. Discover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats shaping the TCFL sectors in Egypt, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, and Palestine. These documents offer valuable insights for strategic planning and decision-making in the dynamic Mediterranean TCFL landscape.

OENOMED : Réglement d'usage de la marque collective Reservin

Le réglement d'usage est un document qui explique et aide à savoir les conditions d'usage et de communication de la marque collective Reservin. Il contient aussi les conditions nécessaires pour l’obtention de la marque Reservin par les MPME bénéficiaires.
Il met en place toutes les étapes et les livrables nécessaires pour assurer la traçabilité du produit depuis le viticulteur et met au clair les avantages accompagnant la marque collective Reservin pour les MPME qui sont :
- La marque avec ses signes distinctifs et les conditions d’application de ces derniers
- La stratégie Marketing de la marque Reservin
- Le site Web pour assurer la visibilité et la mise en relation des bénéficiaires avec les réseaux BtoB (

Empowering Mediterranean Industries: Euro-Med CRE@CTIVE Observatory

CRE@CTIVE is revolutionizing Mediterranean industries by fostering creativity and innovation. Through strategic linkages between traditional and creative sectors, the project aims to enhance competitiveness and drive job creation. Discover our collaborative efforts and innovative projects shaping the future of textile, footwear, and leather sectors across the region.

CRE@CTIVE's 6 creative labs supporting the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean

CRE@CTIVE's six creative labs initiative is a cornerstone of support for businesses and their 16 subgrantees within the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) industries. These labs provide essential resources, collaboration opportunities, and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs navigating a dynamic market environment. By fostering entrepreneurship and facilitating access to cutting-edge technologies, these labs drive innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness across the TCFL sectors. Discover the pilot projects underway in each lab and explore the range of services available to industry stakeholders.

Analysis of the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Foootwear (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean region

The CRE@CTIVE project presents comprehensive sectorial studies delving into the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) industries across six regions: Egypt, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, and Palestine. These studies, available as PDF documents, meticulously analyze the TCFL sectors within each CRE@CTIVE region, offering invaluable insights into their economic landscapes, market dynamics, and growth potentials. Whether you're a stakeholder, policymaker, or industry enthusiast, these documents serve as essential resources for understanding and navigating the intricate fabric of TCFL sectors in the Med region.

OENOMED : plan de capitalisation

Ce plan présente la stratégie élaborée par le chef de file pour maximiser les impacts positifs et assurer la durabilité des résultats/outputs au-delà de la période de mise en œuvre du projet. Il contient les réalisations et la capitalisation potentielle de chaque partenaire ainsi que la démarche de capitalisation du chef de file.

Présentation des projets subventionnés par OENOMED

Cette newsletter met en lumière le développement des caves financés par les subventions du projet OENOMED, ainsi que les progrès réalisés par chaque pays partenaire. Dans chaque pays, un appel à candidatures a été lancé, suivi d'une sélection de caves à vin et/ou de domaines qui auront l'opportunité de bénéficier d'une formation en marketing, ainsi que d'une subvention pouvant atteindre 6300 euros pour la mise en œuvre de réseaux commerciaux. Afin de maximiser l'impact de cette subvention, les candidats ont participé à des séances de renforcement des capacités et à différentes réunions axées sur l'élaboration de leurs plans d'action.