COMMON: appel à projets de capitalisation IEV CTF Med, deux webinaires en Italie


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On Friday 12 June h. 10.30 and Thursday 18 June h. 15.30, will take place two online events aimed at potential Italian applicants for the ENI CBC Med Programme capitalization call. Both webinars, organized by the Regione Puglia and Regione Lazio as part of the "Complementary Operational Program Governance of the national programs of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective 2014-2020" (PAC CTE), will be dedicated to the presentation of good practices of ENI CBC MED 2014/20 and ENPI CBC MED 2007/13 projects.

The first appointment will focus on the reference themes of the "Promoting Economic and Social Development" General Objective; the second regarding the "Address Common Challenges in Environment" objective. It will be an opportunity to learn more about how to participate in the call, together with the staff of the Managing Authority of the broad European Neighbourhood Program; with the intervention of Luca Palazzo of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion, on the other hand, a synthesis will be made, leaving room also for elements of reflection on the capitalization strategies and on the evaluation criteria of the projects.

Will open the events: Domenico Laforgia (Regione Puglia, Director of the Coordination of International Policies, Co-President of the National Committee), Jacopo Martino (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - EU DG, Co-President of the National Committee), Aldo Puleo (Regione Sardegna, ENI CBC MED 2014/20 Program Management Authority Staff) and Carmela Di Giorgio (Regione Lazio, Vice-President of the National Committee). Moderator Adriana Agrimi (Regione Puglia - Coordination of International Policies).

The aim of the two meetings, on the ESP online platform "GotoWebinar", is to ensure the dissemination of the appropriate information on the call to all Applicants and partners, to allow better technical inspirations and thus support the Italian participation in the presentation of proposals.

To maximize the impact of the projects to be financed, the call crosses all four thematic objectives of ENI CBC MED (competitiveness and development of small and medium enterprises; support for education, research, technological development and innovation; promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty; environmental protection, adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change) with all 11 operational intervention priorities. There are 11 million euros available, but the invitation budget could increase to 15 million.

It should be remembered that, together with the information materials and the "Frequently Asked Questions" and "Project ideas database" sections prepared by the Managing Authority ENI CBC MED on the official website, the National Committee of the Cross-border Cooperation Program has drawn up a series of in-depth information sheets on the Call for Capitalization Projects. These documents are published on the website and contain the analysis and monitoring of experts from the Puglia and Lazio Regions, within the scope of the PAC CTE 2014-2020.



June 12 h. 10.30 - webinar General Objective "Promoting Economic and Social Development", with presentation of the good practices of the FISH MED NET - TEX MED ALLIANCES - CROSSDEV - MED PEARLS - MEET - BESTMEDGRAPE - HELIOS - SIDIGMED Projects.


June 18 h. 15.30 - general objective webinar "Address Common Challenges in Environment", with presentation of the good practices of the NAWAMED - PROSIM - MENAWARA - CLIMATE - BEEP - MED ECOSURE - ESMES - MED DESIRE - COMMON - MESP projects.