Italie : Co-Evolve4BG renforce les synergies lors de « l'assemblée des contrats fluviaux d'Agro Pontino et d'Amaseno »


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On 6th of May 2021, Co-Evolve4BG attended the “Assembly of the River Contracts of Agro Pontino and Amaseno”, organised by the XIII Consortium of mountain municipalities Lepini e Ausoni (Italie) in an online format.

The meeting focused on some of the common challenges faced in coastal areas and introduced instruments such as the River and Coast Contracts in order to apply the Integrated Coastal Zone management (ICZM) model on local scale. More than 50 participants attended the meeting from regional and local policy makers, to sectoral agencies (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection –ARPA- and National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research -ISPRA), environmental and cultural association, experts, and professionals.

The event aimed at presenting the ICZM model to develop and implement effective local projects that respond to stimulate exchange, learning, cooperation and promote sustainability.

In this framework, Agenzia Regionale del Turismo – Regione Lazio (Lazio Region), partner of Co-Evolve4BG project, presented the objectives, activities and expected results of the Co-Evolve4BG and in particular the actions that will be carried out in the framework of the pilot area. During her presentation, Erica Peroni, highlighted the importance of the synergy between projects, under the large umbrella of ICZM principles. 

The seminar was a great occasion to exchange and build new opportunities with other ongoing initiatives in the region.