ENI CBC Med Audit Authority performs country visits to verify the effective functioning of the management and control systems of the Programme

Meeting of Audit Authority with Spanish national authority

A round of on-the-spot visits was carried out by the ENI CBC Med Audit Authority in Lebanon, (13-16 December 2022), Greece (10-13 January 2023) and Spain (16-19 May 2023). The objective of these visits was to check that the management and control systems for funding granted under the ENI CBC Med Programme operate smoothly at national level. Visits were supported by the national representatives of the Group of Auditors. 

Findings of these visits will be integrated in the annual audit report drawn up by the Audit Authority to be presented to the European Commission each year by 15th of February, including as the case may an analysis of the nature and extent of errors and weaknesses identified, as well as the corrective actions taken or planned. 

An additional visit will be carried out in Italy in June 2023 while all 13 countries participating in the Programme will be covered by 2024. 

According to article 30 of COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 897/2014, management and control systems shall include among others the functions of each body involved in management and control; procedures for ensuring the correctness and regularity of expenditure declared; electronic data systems for accounting, storage, monitoring and reporting; procedures for prevention, detection and correction of irregularities, etc. 

The Managing Authority ensures that the management and control systems for the Programme are set up in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No 897/2014 and that these systems function effectively while appointed national authorities are responsible for the set up and effective functioning of management and control systems at national level.

The Audit Authority is hosted by the Region of Sardinia and is functionally separated from the Managing Authority. It ensures that audits are carried out on the management and control systems, on an appropriate sample of funded projects and on the annual accounts of the Programme. It is assisted by a Group of Auditors, comprised of a representative of each participating country in the Programme.

Meetings with Greek (on the left) and Lebanese national authorities