BERLIN – a project with potential community opportunities and energy innovation developments


Next week the conference of the parties (COP27), the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is taking place at Sharm el-Sheikh. Statesmen, climate change activists, civil society representatives, business leaders, scientists will gather to discuss the next steps for the climate change action.

Some of the targets set by the Egyptian presidency is to reach an agreement on managing the transition in a manner which ensures the needed shift and the quick phasing-in of low emission technologies and phasing-down of high emission ones. In addition, the current presidency acknowledges the fact that it is time for real action and this could be made by scaling up and replicating success stories.

BERLIN project combines technology innovation for the energy efficiency of public buildings while at the same time, engages the communities to be aware of the new technologies installed in their buildings and their benefit. BERLIN project can set the foundations for future advanced energy systems that can help achieve decarbonization targets by exploring energy storage technologies that can include storage beyond batteries with a regenerative hydrogen fuel cell subsystem. The potential of the usage of green hydrogen will be discussed in the round table discussion of COP27 “Investing in the Future of Energy: Green Hydrogen” and therefore, it appears that BERLIN could indeed be a replicable success story of a sustainable future.