PROSIM project promotes the subsurface drip irrigation as a water efficient irrigation technology to enhance water use efficiency and the use of non-conventional water


PROSIM project activities support the demonstration and dissemination of irrigation solutions that can improve water use efficiency and encourage the use of non-conventional water. One of the irrigation technologies that will be used is the subsurface drip irrigation.

Subsurface drip irrigation schemes are a very efficient irrigation systems that can potentially apply the water directly in the root zone preventing water loss through evaporation or runoff. High evaporation characterizes the Mediterranean basin and therefore, this technology is suitable for PROSIM partners’ countries. In addition to improve the water use efficiency, subsurface drip irrigation can provide a sustainable use of treated wastewater since the water is applied directly to the plant roots and the sub-surface soil serves as a large filter and thus eliminate potential harmful contact with the fruit and the farmers.

In the framework of the PROSIM project, the subsurface drip irrigation will be demonstrated in three partner countries namely, Italy, Jordan and Lebanon with conventional and non-conventional water resources. Combined with other irrigation technologies implemented by the PROSIM Project, 10 farmers will be directly involved with the subsurface drip irrigation systems and will be covering 4.25 ha of fruit trees. These implementing technologies will serve as demonstrations plots to be used to ensure knowledge transfer to 80 participants among representatives of farmers associations and water usage associations.