الحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي الزراعي في حوض المتوسط: تم تدريب شركاء MedSNAIL على تحديد المنتجات الغذائية الزراعية القيمة المحلية


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MedSNAIL project starts buildin capacities among partners to properly identify local communities of producers, products and local leaders on which to pilot the project in each territory involved.  

The Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP), partner in MedSNAIL project, participated yesterday at the bilateral training meeting aimed at setting the guidelines for the mapping of products and producers to work with during the project’s life.  

Slow Food Foundation is the partner in charge of advising the partnership on how implement a methodology to help local communities to save and preserve local agro-food products (varieties, breeds, processed food products) strongly linked with each territory involved in the project, and empower local farmers to contribute to a more socially and enviromentally sustainable rural development.. The first virtual training session has been addressed to FAMP, the organisation that will implement the project in Andalusia. 

Other topics dealt with during this training have been the methodological framework and technical criteria related to the different initiatives making up the Slow Food’s philosophy, such as the Ark of Taste, the Chef Alliance, the Presidia project, and the Slow-Food travels, which will inspire the work plan of MedSNAIL project. The life cycle assessment of the products selected in the project has also been presented, contributing this way to the mitigation of Climate Change.

These bilateral training meetings will be also held with the rest of partners in the following weeks, after which work fields in the areas selected by each partner will start. 

The project has a total budget of  2.028.807,74€ and is funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Med Programme by 90% (1.825.926,97 €), it has a three-year duration and aims to foster socially and environmentally sustainable development of agro-food SMEs by valorizing traditional Euro-Mediterranean products according to a “slow” approach and short-chain principles.

For further information please contact, Mrs. Teresa Muela, Project Coordinator: tmuela@famp.es, tel +0034954659756