ReSt@rts promotes the project's results among public authorities through a tailored policy-knowledge package


Being a capitalization project that expands on the Mediterranean microfinance system developed in MedSt@rts, the ReSt@rts project seeks to create new synergies and a long-lasting institutional framework to allow project results to be shared, evaluated and used. 

One of the main results and outputs of ReSt@rts is the creation of a policy-knowledge package to be shared with public authorities at local, regional and European levels. Public administration officials have been identified previously in the Mediterranean microfinance industry study and will support their development of innovative programmes that support the creation of new businesses through establishing access to finance options.  

The Policy knowledge package’s philosophy is that it acts as a manifesto with technical and policy guidelines to analyse the success factors of the identified tools. The package will be designed and drafted by a public policy expert in each partner country. The hired experts will use results from all project activities to feed into the final product shared directly with public administration officials. 

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