FISH MED NET featured on Euronews about fishers´ challenges and the need to diversify

Marie Lecoq - Euronews

8 December, 2022 Euronews. 

Professional fishers are an important aspect of the local economy in todays world. This is even more the case for those countries who coastal area revolves entirely on fishing communities. As a professional fisher, the concept embedded in people's mindset is a well mature male oriented field, yet there is a bigger truth to that community where women and the younger generation are left behind. The article tries to define better what small-scale fisheries and fishers are and also what are the problems fishers face on a daily basis. Due to an ever-changing climate, along with other restrictions (COVID as an example), for fishers to be resilient they need to be innovative and look for alternatives that can contribute to a sustainable livelihood. This is highlighted by Enrico Andreini, FISH MED NET Senior Programme Manager for Legacoop Agroalimentare, where many fishers in Italy have diversified their acitivites through toursim (pesca-or-ittitourism), but also other activities such as seafood transformation (smoked, pickeled, salted...) or even ventured in aquaculture too. Another mean of diversification slowly picking up among the fisher community are business alliances made with environmental and research institutes to put their boats and expertise as a service to the community.

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