MoreThanAJob Policy Brief: Improving policies for the development of more efficient welfare services


Aspiring to empower both host community members and refugees, MoreThanAJob has put 3 focus areas together in a comprehensive framework: responsive social service delivery, progressive social and solidarity economy, and adaptive educational systems. The aims is to promote the development of innovative social schemes based on the cooperation among Social and Solidarity Economy actors and public administrations to enhance the social and labor inclusion of vulnerable groups in our societies.

MoreThanAJob made a change in the way Social and Solidarity Economy actors and public institutions work together to provide  services to unemployed people, focusing on vulnerable groups.

The development of a framework of new social pilot schemes as well as the development of policy briefs and suggestions will improve the planning of policies adapted to the needs of the target groups. In the long run, the access to employment and the education system of such targets should be enhanced.

Following the overview of the current landscape, the recommendations  that come out from the third policy breif to support the inclusion and development of these policy priorities in public administrations could be sum up as follows:

  1. Promotion of Social Generativity
  2.  Peer-to-peer Counseling Service
  3.  Enhancing Social Integration through Community Service Interventions
  4. Establishing and Strengthening the Capacity of Social Enterprises
  5. Support Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Developing Solidarity Economy Value Chains      
  7. Recognitions of Competences acquired Outside the Hosting Country
  8. Labor Market Integration throughout Skills Matching and Youth Empowerment
  9. Development of Business Education through Education bridging Programs
  10. Promote an inclusive communication approach and social cohesion


View the full Policy Brief V3. 

For more information on the project and its activities, visit the MoreThanAJob webpage on the ENI CBC Med website and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.