GIMED: Smart planting systems that guarantee energy efficiency on surfaces and terraces in Egypt


Surface-planting remains as one of the most demanding challenges facing sustainable development worldwide. Advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and the mobile internet can provide realistic solutions to the challenges that the world is facing. Ekhdar Green Houses is an Egyptian-based start-up that provides a unique way to plant on surfaces and terraces using a smart system to organically control water, temperature, humidity, and light with a zero water waste. It works with a smart mobile application connected to a nicely decorated piece that can be installed in your house.

This smart innovation comes into place to provide a solution to one of the most important problems in society, which is surface-planting. Ekhdar will help in the long term raising the awareness of crops planting to the ordinary citizens who know from very little to nothing about planting. It will also provide people with an easy way to grow their own organic food at home. Amira El Hennawy, the entrepreneur behind the start-up, shared some key takeaways that she had from the GIMED training during its different phases.

With GIMED we were taught not only about business but specifically about green business managing. I feel they took us from zero and made us into heroes.

“With GIMED we were taught not only about business but specifically about green business managing”, she said. “I feel they took us from zero and made us into heroes”, she added. GIMED has supported Ekhdar Green Houses in the development of their green business plan through coaching and mentorship, with great satisfaction from their team. Amira has explained that thanks to GIMED she gained a lot of experience and knowledge in organizing their thinking and implementing their business model and business plan.

Ekhdar Green Houses was founded by Amira El Hennawy, a team manager with over 10 years of experience in the field and her magnificent team. “GIMED trainers helped me a lot throughout the training and especially in green business in which they instructed me correctly to use and enhance my ideas and my start-up company’s abilities to the perfect path”, she said.

How did GIMED support this start-up?

GIMED supports those young entrepreneurs who have an idea or an early-stage venture, teaching them how to turn their idea or start-up into a successful green business idea. In this sense, it gives them not only the needed training but also a proper follow-up until they finish the right business plan. Additionally, the project also introduces them to important investors who help them financially.