INTECMED's e-bazaar: Where innovators and investors connect in the Mediterranean


E-Bazaar of Innovation, the ultimate tool created by the INTECMED project to help innovators and investors connect across the Mediterranean.

  • What does the platform provide?

The platform will connect Innovators with Investors and provide them with easy access to tools (training opportunities, webinars, events, and collaboration boards) that will help them turn their ideas into reality.

  • Who can register?

Innovators - like researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, or anyone with a creative idea - and investors - industries, private investors, business angels, banks, etc. from across the Mediterranean!

  • What makes the platform unique?

The platform provides a user-friendly interface that will help entrepreneurs/start-ups find funding opportunities or new talent to add to their team and collaborate with and help investors find the next big idea they could support. Innovators can also collaborate with others in the same or different industries from both shores of the Mediterranean through posting collaboration requests. 

The e-bazaar also has a blog and events page where events and webinars can be shared and easily accessed by users.

Join the ultimate tool in creating a streamlined innovation ecosystem, bringing together regional key actors, such as universities, research centres, chambers of commerce and investors. Only take 3-minutes to register here!


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