

MedTOWN hosts a debate on active employment policies & development of the local economy in Greece

"It is a common finding that the efficiency of funded programs that support new entrepreneurship and employment is often limited and does not adequately meet the real needs of the local economy, namely the local enterprises and the employees" 

Based on this premise, MedTOWN project team in Greece, from the Scientific Society for Social Cohesion and Development (EPEKSA) organized this virtual national round table on the 13th of December 2021 at 11.00 (Greek time) to discuss active employment policies & development of the local economy together with important stakeholders from different background & approach: as the public sector (including the representatives from the Ministry of Labour & local authorities); from the economy sector (Chambers of Comerce, Federation of Professionals & Craftsmen); from organizations dealing with groups at risk of social exclusion; as well as experts from various universities.

The cooperation of public and private bodies, knowledge carriers and entities of the third sector, especially social & solidarity economy, at local level, could highlight approaches and solutions of social innovation and co-production, based on the specific needs and priorities of the local economy, the growth assets of the area and the trends that deploy in the markets. The objective is to increase employment in the local enterprises in positions that could upgrade the provided services and/or products and enhance the local economy (e.g. through the development of tools for increment of consumption of products and services in those enterprises).


Full agenda & list of speakers here

Original in Greek, here

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