مشروع MEDSt@rts: غرفة التجارة والصناعة والزراعة في صيدا وجنوب لبنان تبدأ تدريب 10 من مروجي التمويل الأصغر


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon & South Lebanon, as a Lebanese partner of MEDSt@rts, recently launched a training cycle for ten microfinance promoters, aimed at unlocking financial tools, networks and best practices for advising and supporting the young beneficiaries of the project.

From 21st April to 8th May, via Zoom platform, this group will take a course given by experts specializing in financial marketing.

Two of them will be selected e they will play a key role in promoting the project in Lebanon.