مشروع MEDSt@rts: إشترك في النشرة الإخبارية لإكتشاف قصصنا وفعالياتنا وفرصنا


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

With good stories and important results to share, MEDSt@rts project will soon launch a brand new newsletter about the "Med microfinance support system for start-ups".

In this periodic bulletin you will find

  • latest news and national updates about the project;
  • thematic insights;
  • online and offline events;
  • training, consultancy and job opportunities

If you want to subscribe, register with this form bit.ly/medstarts-subscribe

We will be happy to include you in our project community.

MEDSt@rts project, co-funded by ENI CBC Med Programme with 2.5 million euros (90% of the total budget), wants to create a new model of business support and help young people with promising ideas overcome the traditional credit constraints to start or scale up their enterprise.