كفاءة إستخدام الطاقة: إعداد بيانات إستضافة الخادم وقاعدة البيانات لمواقع BERLIN التجريبية


The content is available in English only

BERLIN project aims at the implementation of cross border pilots in four Mediterranean countries that will support innovative and cost – effective energy rehabilitation in public buildings based on the nanogrid concept. Specifically, six pilot buildings will be implemented: 1 in Cyprus, 2 in Greece, 2 in Israel and 1 in Italy.

As we are getting closer to launching the pilot site installations and start collecting data, the preparation of the server-hosting infrastructure and central database, where the data of all the pilots will be stored, has been completed. In each country, partners will develop a regional database to receive pilot data, which will be then stored in a central database located at University of Cyprus (Lead Partner).

An executive summary of the report that outlines the preparation of the server-hosting infrastructure and the central database has been developed to disseminate the data collection procedure of BERLIN pilots to the interested stakeholders. Specifically, this report illustrates the monitored parameters, which are classified as mandatory or optional, and provides information on the procedure for transferring the data to the central database.

You can find the executive summary here!