إسبانيا: INTECMED تطلق مركزاً بين اللاعبين في مجال الابتكار في منطقة الأندلس


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

On 16 March 2021, the INTECMED Spanish Regional Alliance was launched, under the management of the partners Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Shipping of Seville and Technological Corporation of Andalusia. Several institutions from the region of Andalucia active in the field of technology and innovation took part in this introductory meeting, such as Universities, Innovation Agencies, Startups, science and technology parks, as well as accelerators and incubators.

Throughout the INTECMED project, it is planned to establish Regional Alliances for Innovation Transfer (RAIT). RAITs consist of the creation of groups in each country part of the project (Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt), responsible for implementing the Business Ready Innovation Methodology (BRIM). It comprises regional 4-helix actors, which are scientific, entrepreneurial, policymaking & citizens. RAITs are responsible for innovation discovery, ideas assessment & upgrade, and the operation of Regional Innovation Facility Points (RIFP).

The steps of the BRIM Methodology are the following:

  1. Definition of the mentoring programme and launch of the call for proposals
  2. The organisation of regional meetings
  3. Selection of 12 innovative projects
  4. Implementation of the mentoring programme
  5. Selection of 3 highlighted projects
  6. Additional aid programme for the 3 selected companies

The expected results are to achieve 48 entrepreneurs/researchers (12 in each country) with improved skills in the commercialisation of their research results and a business plan. Consequently, 4 new spin-offs will be launched in each geographic area, as coworking hubs and innovation facilitators.

The Spanish Regional Alliance foresees to meet every quarter. The next steps to concrete the group will be to formalize the membership, explore different ways to identify innovative projects as well as define the INTECMED innovation hub.