البرنامج التعليمي لـ MEDISS: تنزيل QGIS وتثبيته وإعداده

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

This tutorial  is designed to help MEDISS Partners get started with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The video covers the initial steps for downloading, installing and setting up of QGIS software*.

As we have as we pointed out previously (see MEDISS Data Collection Plan and Integrating data on ecosystems, communities, and water resources: insights from the UN Sustainable Development), information has a key role in enhancing sustainable  water management. 

For this reason, a specific work package is focused on information, analysis and monitoring: WP3 - Analysis and monitoring is aimed at collecting relevant and consistent baseline data in the 4 MEDISS areas;

  • analyzing and organizing data in a comprehensive database; 
  • providing target values and tools for monitoring;  
  • evaluating MEDISS impact on water, soils and crops during and after pilot tests;
  • identifying  up-scaling opportunities and elaborate solid proposal for future funding.  

The Italian partner Ente Acque della Sardegna (ENAS) has defined specific Guidelines for the Data Collection Plan that design a model of database collection process and a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the 4 pilot areas (Italy, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia).

The DCP and the GIS are the core of the database that must be implemented alongside the project life with the results of the monitoring activities on pilot sites.

The preliminary data collection was organized in sections where each partner indicates the main characteristics of pilot area. Descriptive and detailed information on existing data are requested, as well as georeferenced data, reference literature etc.
The complexity of information requested during the data collection process phase as well as during the monitoring plans setting up, needs an Information Technology resource that overcomes the simple restitution in hard-copy form.  In this contest, the Guidelines help to reach the same goal in the 4 MEDISS areas: each partner is invited to proceed with the collection of data and to feed their specific database that will be merged in a unique MEDISS database. 

To enhance the data collection process, Ente Acque della Sardegna ENAS has opted for an open-source software (QGIS available here https://www.qgis.org/en/site/).

*Tutorial created by Ignazio Ghironi, Geologist - ENAS Ente Acque della Sardegna.