5th iHERITAGE Steering Committee Meeting | Beirut 2023 - Uniting Partners for Cultural Preservation

Welcome to the official recap video of the 5th iHERITAGE Steering Committee Meeting, held on the 27th and 28th of April 2023 in the beautiful city of Beirut. This meeting was a significant milestone in the iHERITAGE project, bringing together esteemed consortium partners, experts, and representatives from various countries and disciplines.

During the two-day event, the Steering Committee members engaged in fruitful discussions, sharing their progress, insights, and expertise to further the goals of the project. Attendees included representatives from the Joint Technical Secretariat, Lebanese Directorate of General Antiquities, National Contact Point for the ENI Program in Lebanon, esteemed academic and research centers, and specialists in ICT, innovation, and AR/VR technologies.

In addition to the meetings, the participants had the chance to explore the rich cultural heritage of Byblos through site visits to historical landmarks and engage in networking activities, fostering closer collaboration and cultural exchange among the diverse group of professionals.

Join us as we take you through the highlights of the 5th iHERITAGE Steering Committee Meeting, offering you exclusive insights into the groundbreaking advancements and collaborative efforts shaping the future of cultural preservation. Stay tuned to learn more about the innovative solutions and strategies being developed to safeguard our shared heritage for generations to come.