MedTOWN Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Report of the Demonstrative Actions

Project acronym:
Project title:
Coproduire des politiques sociales avec les acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire pour lutter contre la pauvreté, les inégalités et l’exclusion sociale
3.2 Social and solidarity economy
Title of deliverable:
MedTOWN Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Report of the Demonstrative Actions
MedTOWN has created a framework for monitoring and evaluating social experimentation. This process was a complex task due to the diversity of social policies in each territory and the lack of regulatory frameworks for Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) and co-production across the six countries. MedTOWN's approach to this challenge was to provide findings that could immediately and practically serve policy-making. This was achieved by evaluating intentional, unintentional, and political changes in local socio-economic resilience.
The current evaluation aims to offer a regional perspective on the MedTOWN project, providing an overall assessment of its achievements, learnings, and findings. It synthesizes research and evaluation conducted by a team of local experts. The evaluation addresses both summative and formative aspects, examining whether the project achieved its goal of demonstrating the value of co-producing public policies with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors. The assessment also aims to provide valuable insights for project actors and stakeholders, emphasizing the interconnected nature of summative and formative dimensions.
Keep Keywords:
Intégration des communautés et identité commune ; Systèmes d'évaluation et résultats ; Gouvernance et partenariat ; Capacité d'innovation et sensibilisation ; Coopération institutionnelle et réseaux de coopération ; PME et entrepreneuriat ; Inclusion sociale et égalité des chances ; Gestion durable des ressources naturelles ; Déchets et pollution