MYSEA - Methodology of Training Curricula and Mentoring

Project acronym:
Project title:
Les jeunes méditerranéens, les NEET et les femmes font progresser les compétences, l'emploi et la sensibilisation dans l'économie bleue et verte
3.1 Professionalization of young people (NEETS) and women
Title of deliverable:
MYSEA - Methodology of Training Curricula and Mentoring
Mentoring Methodology: This document constituted the starting point for MYSEA project's mentoring activities, targeted at self-entrepreneurship and creation of new associations.

Training Curricula Methodology: designed on the results of territorial and cross-border analyses, this document provided the framework for the development of MYSEA training course curricula in Italy, Greece, Lebanon, Tunisia and Jordan.
Keep Keywords:
Agriculture, pêche et forêts ; Education et formation ; Marché du travail et emploi ; PME et entrepreneuriat