Économie sociale et solidaire : MoreThanAJob soumet des recommandations politiques aux décideurs


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MoreThanAJob first-year policy brief was developed with input from all partner countries, using the results of WP3 (Social schemes & subgrant) and WP4 (Public institutions involvement and training). This policy brief is describing the way that project results could be integrated into future policies, in order to have an increased impact and ensure the continuation of activities. The MoreThanAJob team met the decision and policymakers in the field of social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated, and refugees, in order to present either face-to-face or virtually, the first policy brief and discuss the project results and applicability in the context of each involved country (Palestine, Greece, Jordan, Italy).

Concerning the delivery of the first policy brief paper to the targeted public administrations in Palestine, the Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) team made official visits to two public administrations on the 16th of November 2020 where they delivered the suggested policy inputs.

The team presented a brief of justifications why these policies are meant to be enhanced and developed in the field of employment. In addition, the NCCI team proposed the way that this policy brief would work as a useful tool for conveying the implications of MoreThanAJob project outputs in Palestine for policy and practice.

In Lebanon, the 'Business Consultancy and Training Services' sent the project's first policy brief to an educational consultant and experts in Lebanon from the PA actors, and discuss virtually their comments, feedback, and inputs.

The feedback received from the first meetings (after the delivery of the first policy brief) will be used for adapting the policy brief and possibly adapt the best practices to the situation in each target country.

For more information on the project and its activities, visit the MoreThanAJob webpage on the ENI CBC Med website and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.