The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

MedArtSal Handbook of good practices for coastal salt pans - final report

The MedArtSal project promotes the sustainable development of artisanal salinas in Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia, through the MedArtSal Model, which identifies and encourages the adoption of innovative sustainable actions in Mediterranean artisanal saltworks. This handbook provides information, research and innovative tools on sustainable actions that fall under the MedArtSal Model and support good practices and efforts in the salt flats through diversification of services, commerce, biodiversity preservation, ecosystem services and tourism. There are four sections covering key topics, including environmental quality and biodiversity, the diversification of goods and services in salt flats, best practices for governance and a final section showcasing case studies of salinas projects funded under MedArtSal in Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

MedArtSal Governance analysis for coastal salt pans

The MedArtSal project, addressing common challenges in four Mediterranean regions (Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia), promotes the development of a sustainable and adaptable management model, fostering the territorial valorisation of artisanal salinas. This report entitled “Analysis of the regulatory framework and governance of salinas in the Mediterranean region: the cases of Tunisia, Italy, Lebanon, and Spain” provides an overview of governance, planning and regulations affecting the management of artisanal solar evaporation salinas in the Mediterranean.

MedArtSal Tourism Book - a travel experience along Med salinas

This travel book has been realised in the framework of the MedArtSal project (which promotes the sustainable development of artisanal salinas) by all the project partners from Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon. A road map of thirteen storytellers illustrates the MedArtSal experiences during the project, when the MedArtSal team visited many saltpans across the Mediterranean. The main aim of this travel book is to show what has been discovered, how much attractive are the salinas in Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon and how to experience the sustainable tourism in these Mediterranean area.

How to build the MedArtSal model (final report)

The aim of this report is to develop a Sustainability Model for Coastal Artisanal Salinas in Mediterranean countries. By using it, salt owners will be able to assess their sustainability in terms of economy, environment and innovation, identifying their strengths and weaknesses in order to improve. The obtained model will be a complex mix of economic, social, cultural, management and governance variables. Ultimately, in this report there are a series of improvements most widely implemented in the Mediterranean Salinas in order to acquire a higher level of sustainability in the 3 main building topics of the model: biodiversity; economics and productivity; salinas management.

Awareness campaign toolkit for school

MedArtSal aims to promote the sustainable development of artisanal salinas, providing concrete support on economic, environmental and governance issues. Addressing common challenges in four Mediterranean regions (Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia), the project has promoted the development of a sustainable and adaptable management model fostering the territorial valorisation of artisanal salinas. As part of the project, campaigns were created to contribute to raising awareness in the school sector (questionnaire and toolkit for students). Interviewes have been conducted with teachers to understand their attitude to promote artisanal salt usage to their students and to evaluate their interest to participate in educational tourism in salinas. The collection of the answers allowed the realisation of tools and the final toolkit for school. Questionnaires have been built to be also informative, creating a condition of “thinking in the theme” approach.

Sustainable tourism and territorial marketing in MedArtSal salinas and territories

In this section there is an output factsheet on sustainable tourism and territorial marketing, implemented as part of MedArtSal project, which aims to change salinas' business orientation towards sustainable tourism and new artisanal products. The sustainable tourism and territorial marketing strategy is one of the core outputs for the development of the value chains related to salinas in each MedArtSal project territory (Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon). Territorial marketing aims to encourage competitive collaborations on the markets, raise awareness about the importance of the salinas in the local economy, explore interest in the preferred types of salt-related tourism activities, build networks between local producers and tourism businesses. The document illustrates implemented activity(s), outputs, expected impacts and benefits achieved, sustainability of the output and developed activity(s) and lessons learned.

MedArtSal booklet for policy makers

The MedArtSal project aims to develop a comprehensive Sustainability Model for Coastal Artisanal Salinas in Mediterranean countries. To achieve this objective, the work has focused on two main areas: identifying the key aspects of sustainability within a salina and enabling Mediterranean salinas to enhance their salt production and economic management, environmental conservation efforts, and the development of innovative and diversified activities. This report illustrates the MedArtSal sustainability model, with an analysis of sustainability practices, the salinas situation in Lebanon, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and and general and policy recommendations.

Catalogue of solutions available for the hospitality industry - Water and Energy saving technologies

The project partners have jointly defined a common transnational service to analyze innovative technologies/services/products that combine water and energy for the hotel industry that have great potential and that can be easily replicated in the smallest SMEs.
The GreeninMed project has selected a list of technologies, services and products to
support savings in water and energy consumption in the Mediterranean touristic
SMEs. The structure of the Benchmark presenting each technology is the following
• Technology general description,
• Advantages &disadvantage to estimate the feasibility installing the technology.
• The “potential use in hotel industry”
• Performance and savings potentially achievable applying the technology.
• References about manufacturers/providers of the technology

GREENinMED-subgrantees video in Israel

In its final stage, seven grants with up to 22,500 Euro were given to Start-Ups or SMEs in Israel that produce eco-innovative products or services that advance more efficient water and energy management in tourism to advance sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

GREENinMED-subgrantees video in Spain

In its final stage, three grants with up to 25,000 Euro were given to Start-Ups or SMEs in Spain that produce eco-innovative products or services that advance more efficient water and energy management in tourism to advance sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

GREENinMED-subgrantees video in France

In its final stage, four grants with up to 25,000 Euro were given to Start-Ups or SMEs in France that produce eco-innovative products or services that advance more efficient water and energy management in tourism to advance sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.