The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Decision aid tool for evaluation of optimal renovation measures in university buildings

A decision aid tool (Tool 1) is developed to support the energy management staff, in collaboration with students and researchers, in identifying and implementing the best options for building refurbishing and improving operation control for achieving significant energy savings, while maintaining the occupant's comfort.
A simplified tool (Tool 2) was also proposed for target groups with no advanced technical knowledge on building energy performance.
The interactive tools serve as a multi-objective decision models for the optimal ranking/trade-offs analysis between retrofit options, based on relevant decision criteria.

Toolkit for innovative and eco-sustainable renovation processes

The Toolkit is a guideline to support university building and energy managers on planning and implementing sustainable retrofit measures within university buildings based on a collaborative approach enabling the co-creation and co-innovation of the renovation process. The process involves the university community of innovators, users, and stakeholders in exploring, experimenting and evaluating the best retrofit scenario for their university building. Two additional products are provided inside the Toolkit, supporting the central design phase with Best Practice of innovative projects in university buildings, and the Abacus guiding the selection of the most appropriate retrofit strategies, technologies and materials for the Mediterranean area.

Development of a policy makers’ tool for policy recommendations (A4.1.2)

The policy makers tool provides recommendations for policies and regulations that promote the adoption of the photovoltaics (PV) and energy storage systems (ESS) in public buildings with the potential for demand side management (DSM), referred here as PV+ESS+DSM scheme. Except from recommendations, it offers numerical results about (i) the profitability of PV+ESS+DSM systems in certain building types and (ii) the energy self-sufficiency of the building.

A tool for building integrated energy systems design (A4.1.1)

This online tool aims to promote self-sufficiency in buildings with flexible loads, by properly sizing the photovoltaic and battery storage systems to be installed in a building, and providing an efficient schedule for the flexible loads. The tool has been developed in the framework of “Cost-effective rehabilitation of public buildings into smart and resilient nano-grids using storage - BERLIN” project.

MYSEA Microlearning Platform

Condensing the experience of MYSEA into a concise and comprehensive training course: the platform hosts a micro-course of 20 video pills summarising the contents of the broader training courses focused on the Blue & Green Economy, and divided in four modules: Digital Skills, Sector-based Skills, Soft Skills and Entrepreneurial Skills.

Explore Sustainability with Act4UrPlanet: A Hub for Youth Engagement

Act4urplanet est un webportal dédié à l'éducation au développement durable des jeunes, offrant une gamme d'activités engageantes et éducatives. Que ce soit des projets pratiques, des jeux interactifs ou des ressources pédagogiques, le webportal fournit les outils nécessaires pour inspirer et sensibiliser les jeunes générations aux enjeux environnementaux, les encourageant ainsi à devenir des acteurs du changement durable