The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Standard Packages for Public Private Partnerships Agreement

FISH MED NET involves public and private partner organizations from France, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon and Palestine. The project aimed to develop Mediterranean Alliances between the enterprises active in the Blue economy following the diversification of artisanal fishing, and to develop public authorities' capacity to encourage sustainable development of the fishing sector. Following the analysis “Mapping of the needs of the Public Authorities related to fishery activities and support schemes in place”, as well as the results of the rounds tables held in all partner countries that have engaged both public and private stakeholders from the fishery sector, the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon, in cooperation with all partners, has produced some standard packages including procedures and formats that might be useful to develop Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
According to the different national contexts, norms and legislations, the typologies of potential PPPs could change and vary from country to country. Also considering the differences between the fishery sectors in the involved countries at economic, social and legislative level, there is a certain level of heterogeneity within these countries. So that, it must be noted that the standard packages should be always adapted to the country’s characteristics and norms, and must not in any way be used as a substitute for specific legal advice. The following standard packages are identified on the basis of existing practices of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in each target territory, and includes: 1. The concession agreement; 2. The memorandum of understanding; 3.Community-led local development initiatives; 4.The service agreement.

Empowering Mediterranean Industries: Euro-Med CRE@CTIVE Observatory

CRE@CTIVE is revolutionizing Mediterranean industries by fostering creativity and innovation. Through strategic linkages between traditional and creative sectors, the project aims to enhance competitiveness and drive job creation. Discover our collaborative efforts and innovative projects shaping the future of textile, footwear, and leather sectors across the region.

MoreThanAJob 10 agreements signed between social economy actors and public administrations

10 agreements signed between social economy actors and public administrations for the development of initiatives supporting social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups

MedTOWN Demonstrative Actions on co-production initiatives in collaboration with SSE entities

In total, 6 Demonstrative Actions have been designed and implemented to target poverty and social exclusion, addressing diverse areas such as social and economic inclusion through SSE initiatives and digital innovation, women empowerment, waste management, and use of public spaces in collaboration with local public authorities and SSE actors. It is estimated that more than 25,000 individuals at social and economic exclusion directly benefited from the project, accessing better social services in their communities through the implementation of the MedTOWN Demonstrative in the 6 partner countries (Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia, Spain, Portugal, Greece).In total, 6 Demonstrative Actions have been designed and implemented to target poverty and social exclusion, addressing diverse areas such as social and economic inclusion through SSE initiatives and digital innovation, women empowerment, waste management, and use of public spaces in collaboration with local public authorities and SSE actors. It is estimated that more than 25,000 individuals at social and economic exclusion directly benefited from the project, accessing better social services in their communities through the implementation of the MedTOWN Demonstrative in the 6 partner countries (Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia, Spain, Portugal, Greece).

CROSSDEV - Crossborder agreements

Three agreements signed within the project on communication/marketing actions, cooperation among universities, and the sustainability of the newly developed online platform.

MedSNAIL Alliance of Chefs Directory for local products promotion.

The MedSNAIL Chefs Alliance, inspired by a Slow Food initiative, is made up of a group of chefs committed to integrating local products into local food production. These establishments have been identified and collected through a specific directory that makes it possible to identify Mediterranean gastronomic establishments committed to local products. This network will serve as a precedent for possible collaborations and/or synergies between members of the sector, as well as new commercial links between producers and chefs.

MedSNAIL Alliance for fair, sustainable, resilient and competitive Mediterranean agri-food system

The MedSNAIL Alliance is a model agreement that includes milestones and specific lines of work that actively contribute to the transition of the Mediterranean agri-food sector towards a fairer, more sustainable and competitive model. The alliance is understood as an open and scalable tool to ratify the commitment of those entities interested in strengthening and adding value to Mediterranean food chains.