The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

CRE@CTIVE's Exploring Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) Industries: SWOT Insights Across 6 Regions

Explore the SWOT analysis of the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) industries across six regions. Discover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats shaping the TCFL sectors in Egypt, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, and Palestine. These documents offer valuable insights for strategic planning and decision-making in the dynamic Mediterranean TCFL landscape.

Empowering Mediterranean Industries: Euro-Med CRE@CTIVE Observatory

CRE@CTIVE is revolutionizing Mediterranean industries by fostering creativity and innovation. Through strategic linkages between traditional and creative sectors, the project aims to enhance competitiveness and drive job creation. Discover our collaborative efforts and innovative projects shaping the future of textile, footwear, and leather sectors across the region.

CRE@CTIVE's 6 creative labs supporting the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean

CRE@CTIVE's six creative labs initiative is a cornerstone of support for businesses and their 16 subgrantees within the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) industries. These labs provide essential resources, collaboration opportunities, and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs navigating a dynamic market environment. By fostering entrepreneurship and facilitating access to cutting-edge technologies, these labs drive innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness across the TCFL sectors. Discover the pilot projects underway in each lab and explore the range of services available to industry stakeholders.

Analysis of the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Foootwear (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean region

The CRE@CTIVE project presents comprehensive sectorial studies delving into the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) industries across six regions: Egypt, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, and Palestine. These studies, available as PDF documents, meticulously analyze the TCFL sectors within each CRE@CTIVE region, offering invaluable insights into their economic landscapes, market dynamics, and growth potentials. Whether you're a stakeholder, policymaker, or industry enthusiast, these documents serve as essential resources for understanding and navigating the intricate fabric of TCFL sectors in the Med region.

Deliverable 3.2.1: Identification of the training and capacitation needs of technological and Innovative SMEs: Analytical Report

The main aim of this report was to reflect on the survey taken by SMEs from all partner countries as a need assessment document of the technologies required and capacity building requirements of the SMEs selected through the program.


This manual is intended to ease the path for an effective cooperation, showing what has been achieved during the
implementation of SME4SMARTCITIES project.

Deliverable 3.1.2A: Current Procurement Trends Guide for SMEs

The purpose of this guide is to promote smart innovation and sustainability in cities across the Mediterranean and to assist SMEs to tap into innovative and green procurement opportunities.

A.5.1.6 Co-creation and co-innovation ideas development

DIGITAL CO-CREATION: Methodology Framework for Smart Cities
Co-creation creates ownership of solutions. It creates new insights and knowledge by involving citizens and stakeholders in the design thinking process.

A5.1.7c Herzliya Innovation Zone Case Study

The Herzliya Innovation Zone (IZ) was set up as a living lab project of the SME4SMARTCITIES Toolbox to establish the Innovation Zone branding, framework and infrastructure in Herzliya.

A5.1.7b TAU The Innovation Zone Playground guidebook

This document is part 2 of the “Establishing an Innovation Zone” guide. Its primary objective is to present a comprehensive work plan that delineates the pragmatic strategic steps and methodologies necessary for the establishment of a replicable, scalable, and influential Urban Impact Innovation Playground.

A5.1.7a A guide for Innovation Zone Design intervention

INNOVATION ZONE DESIGN PLAYBOOK - The innovation zone (IZ) is a local area designated to demonstrate and facilitate community involvement in innovation and sustainability and enhance partnerships between the municipality and local business community.

Deliverable 5.1.7: Establishing an Innovation Zone

This guide is a toolbox for establishing innovation zones in cities, as a focused scope endeavor that allows to materialize and boost the existing potential of areas in the city with feasible, low-investment and easier to execute initiatives with a large impact for the city, the local business sector and the local community.