ENSERES participates in twinning Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance

Sharing solutions and learning from each other is how ENSERES and their partners improve collaboration across the Region. ENSERES partner SPA RAC connects Mediterranean coasts and improves marine protected areas' management through the Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance - SPAMI Twinning Programme, in which Tyre in Lebanon and the Kneiss Islands in Tunisia took part as ENSERES pilot sites.

11 April 2023 - 13:56

CLUSTER_Activity 2.2.1 - NEETs Brochure in Italian

11 April 2023 - 09:42

BERLIN - Developing communities based on renewable energy

A sustainable energy transition involves changes in a wide range of energy behaviors in the society and among young people. BERLIN consortium realizes the need to engage the wider society and educate young people on sustainable energy practices. In this respect, our partner Ben Gurion University, produced an awareness-raising video in the school buildings participating in the pilots in Israel.

11 April 2023 - 08:52

Supporting social economy for a more inclusive Mediterranean: three years of MoreThanAJob

Discover more about the impact of MoreThanAJob and our sub-granted initiatives in this video. 

Thank to the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin programme, we have been able to support our territories and provide new opportunities to our communities. We are now eager to take the next steps and keep working for the social and economic inclusion of each citizen.


09 April 2023 - 14:04

MoreThanAJob project 7th Newsletter- wrap-up of main results

09 April 2023 - 12:32

SOLE re-announces a call for tenders for energy rehabilitation works in Greece

The National Technical University of Athens, Greek partner of SOLE, has launched a call for tenders for the implementation of energy rehabilitation works on its premises. This intervention will be carried out thanks to project SOLE, cofinanced by Programme ENI CBC MED: SOLE aims to foster cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations of public buildings in the Mediterranean area.

07 April 2023 - 10:42

Palestinian Farmers Reap Benefits of the MENAWARA Project

Palestine - Ali Hilwan, a farmer from Beit Dajan, west of Nablus

07 April 2023 - 10:24

CLUSTER_Activity 2.3.1 - TVET Oriented Brochure in Italian

06 April 2023 - 17:02

An interesting discussion in the world cafe workshop that organized by CARISMED project in Athens

On 22/11/2022, the School of Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Centre for Renewable Energy Resources and Saving (CRES), implemented in a form of a workshop a “world café”, entitled: “SME’S clustering roadmaps and capacity building”, as part of the activities for the CARISMED project. The workshop aimed to collect data from SMEs working in the cultural and creative sectors on their networking methods and the integration of smart and sustainable practices in their operation and production.

06 April 2023 - 10:54

Green Innovation Intellectual Property Rights Guidebook

05 April 2023 - 17:17
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