SIRCLES partners met in Tunisia to review the advancement of waste management pilot sites


This article forms part of a series of publications under SIRCLES project to support circular economy opportunities for employment and social inclusion in our partner territories in Palestine, Lebanon, Spain, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, and Jordan.

On June 9, 2022, the first meeting of the SIRCLES Capitalization Advisory Board was organized in Tunisia, hosting SIRCLES project partners from Spain, Greece, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Italy in the presence of the Mayor of Bizerte, Mr. Kamel Ben Amara, and a representative of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. The conference was a chance for the partners to discuss biowaste management and circular economy strategies, and the project's achievements and future goals.

Each partner shed the light on the challenges faced and the plans to solve them while prioritizing young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) and Women and providing them with the necessary skillsets and preparing them to be involved in this revolutionary vision which is waste management. It was noted that collaborating with local administrations and municipalities is a fundamental step for success and the partners must work with transparency on finding the most fitting solutions for urgent problems with a long-term vision and strategic thinking while empowering vulnerable groups and promoting their inclusion in society.

During the First Meeting of the SIRCLES Capitalization Advisory Board

SIRCLES partners face different challenges in every participating country but the goal remains the same: changing mindsets, boosting economy and eventually providing all the pilot territories with a policy framework with innovative inputs that address a wide array of policies dealing with sustainable economic development. This meeting was insightful on so many levels, as it included detailed presentations and explanatory open conversations. At the end of the sessions, the partners had a field visit to the pilot composting plant and organic farming pilot site in Sidi Amor. During the visit, the partners had the chance to meet the beneficiaries of the project and engage with them. They expressed how happy they are with the project and how it impacted them on a personal and professional level. It is notable that women were very engaged and felt like they have a role in society thanks to the work and the project, they now feel valuable.

During the field visit to the pilot site in Sidi Amor

SIRCLES project is paving the way and setting the tone for more innovation to come, with aim to continue working steadily on raising awareness, creating as many jobs opportunities as possible, and promoting social and economic growth while tackling waste management. Pilots will carry on developing circular economy business models that will serve as training platforms even after the completion of the project.