CLUSTER: supporting skills development in the Blue, Circular, Green Economy and Sustainable Agriculture sectors


The sub-grants that CLUSTER envisages will involve a traineeship scheme, coordinated by National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) of Jordan, targeting 70 trainees (10/country), selected from the attendees of the on-site training courses, to undergo up to 3-months traineeships in companies working in the Blue, Circular, Green Economy and Sustainable Agriculture sectors.

Sub-grants will enable the selected trainees a transition from education and learning to working life, thus strengthening their employability opportunities.

Potential beneficiaries

70 people considered as NEET (Not in employment, education or training), who have attended on-site trainings developed under CLUSTER project. The sub-granting scheme is expected to increase their employability by leading up to 60% of trainees signing employment contracts (part-time/full-time) 6 months following the project´s completion.

Total available budget

42,000.00 EUR

Number of sub-grants and breakdown by country

70 sub-grants, 600 EUR/sub-grant, 10 sub-grants in each country: Spain, Italy, Cyprus, France, Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia

Actions to be carried out with the sub-grants

•    Signing the agreement with SMEs that will host the NEETs, as well as with the selected NEETs.
•    Preparing the list of activities that NEETs will work on in the traineeship.
•    Regularly evaluating the traineeship through a test.
•    Providing certificates for the NEETs for having successfully completed the traineeship scheme.

Selection criteria and award procedure

The sub-granting management procedure will follow the general rules of the ENI CBC Med programme. The following selection and grant management rules will be applied:

1) Selection – 70 trainees will be selected among the attendees of on-site trainings, based on an Open Call (text of the Call to be curated by the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), call translated and disseminated by PPs). Selected trainees will be placed for a period of up to 3 months in companies operating in one of the four sectors targeted by the project. A Joint Evaluation Committee (JEC), composed of the Applicant, PPs and 2 external experts will be created to evaluate the applications.

2) Eligibility – Applicants are residents of project area:  Cyprus, France, Italy, Jordan, Palestine, Spain, and Tunisia. In addition, this specific selection criteria will be followed:
-    Score obtained during the on-site trainings
-    Motivation
-    Geographical balance
-    Gender balance (60% of women).

3) Sub-grants will be paid upon completion of a traineeship (payments managed by each partner), based on a timely submission of reports by the trainees (specific guidelines will be developed and agreed by JEC, under the guidance of NARC) and evaluation reports produced by trainees´ supervisors.

Tentative calendar

Launch of the call at the beginning of 2023.


Each partner will assign a person responsible for the sub-grants. However, this activity is coordinated by NARC (Partner 4 of the consortium), and more precisely through Ms. Alaa Ahmed Wahbeh, Head of Climate Change Department at NARC: 
